Shoujo Kakumei Utena "Heizoku Uchuu ni Fumetsu Koutei" "An Immortal Emperor in a Mundane Universe" Album: Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Tainai Tokei Toshi Orrery [KICA-387] Composition: J.A. Seazer Vocals: Tokyokonseigasshodan Engekijikkensitsu "Banyu-Inryoku" Translation v.1.o © Verthandi [] seizon kyoui renkinjutsu hikinzoku kikinzoku migi kara hidari hajimari owari hakai shuryou ranbu shukuen Existance: wonderous alchemy Base metals; precious metals From right to left, Start to end, Destruction, the hunt, a frenetic dance, a celebration banquet seitan fukashi renkinjutsu jinkouteki kumikae souchi ue kara shita e henkei ikei shomotsu tokumei houjuu kyoutai Birth: unviewable alchemy Apparatus of artificial recombination From top to bottom, A metamorphosis into a curious shape Books, anonimity, self-indulgence, wildness sekai kawarazu (watashi) watashi kawarazu kawara warazu razuka zukawa kawarazu An unchanging world (I am) I am unchanging Ka Wa Ra Wa Ra Zu Ra Zu Ka Zu Ka Wa Unchanging tomatte tori to sakana ga karamawari tomatte tamago to BEDDO no damashiai tomatte fune to basha kara kodai mai tomatte umi to bakufu ni sakimawari It ends: The wasted labors of foul and fish It ends: The deceptive game of the egg and bed It ends: The ancient dance from the boat and carriage It ends: The anticipation of the sea and waterfall KIRAKIRA musou YURAYURA souzou KARAKARA kuusou SERASERA hassou SARASARA mousou CHIRACHIRA shikou HIRAHIRA soui HARAHARA kasou Glittering reverie, flickering imagination Parched vision, slithering expression Murmuring delusion, flittering thought Fluttering invention, trembling supposition seitan fumetsu renkinjutsu jikan kuukan uchuuran tetsugaku suishou barajuuji junketsu chouwa enkinhou Birth: immortal alchemy The cosmic egg of time and space Philosophic crystal, Rosicrucianism Purity, harmony, and perspective watashi mirai kako genzai watashi mirai kako genzai The future, past, and present me The future, past, and present me KIRAKIRA kigen YURAYURA kodoku KARAKARA meikyuu SERASERA jikuu SARASARA kaisou CHIRACHIRA kioku HIRAHIRA jouhatsu HARAHARA fumetsu Glittering origin, flickering solitude Parched labyrinth, slithering space-time Murmuring reminiscence, flittering memory Fluttering evaporation, trembling immortality watashi mirai kako genzai watashi mirai kako genzai The future, past, and present me The future, past, and present me ----- Translator's Notes: Rosicrucianism - Literally, "Cross of the Rose." A 17th and 18th century movement devoted to esoteric wisdom with emphasis on psychic and spiritual enlightenment. The Rosicrucians also studied alchemy. SERASERA - Apparently, this word imitates the other onomotopoeiac words in the song, but has no meaning of its own. After reading some background articles on Japanese gitaigo, I chose to translate the word as "slithering." The "s" sound generally connotes quick, smooth, silent motion; the "e" often connotes something unpleasant; and the "r" connotes something that flows.