Revolutionary Girl Utena 2 The Great Curry Transformation Translation v2.0 © Cyborg Mermaid, 2K Guide to Punctuation: Lines in (parentheses) indicates thought, as opposed to spoken dialogue. Lines in {brackets} indicate spoken asides not contained within word balloons. Text between *asterisks* denotes sound effects or written comments. Text in [square brackets] are the translator's notes or translations of signs, labels, etc. Text between -dashes- indicate text that was crossed out. 153 The Great Curry Transformation 154 Chu-Chu: (I am Chu-Chu,) Chu-Chu: (the knight who protects Princess Himemiya.) Saionji: Monkey! *squish* Saionji: Anthy is MY Bride. You pest. Chu-Chu: (And this is Saionji.) Chu-Chu: (But...) Chu-Chu: (A strong prince chased Saionji away.) Chu-Chu: (Now Prince Utena and me) Chu-Chu: (and my mistress makes three!) Chu-Chu: (Heh heh!) [Flag: WIN!] 155 Utena: Anthy! Chu-Chu ate my afternoon snack! Utena: And now he's sleeping like a tanuki. *zzzz zzzz* {Chu-Chu's vice} Anthy: Oh dear, Chu-Chu... Chu-Chu: (Now THIS is bliss...) Anthy: I'm sorry, Utena-sama. May I make something else for you? Utena: Huh? Anthy, you cook? Anthy: Sure! *twitch* Anthy: I heard that you liked curry. Utena: Well, yeah...but for a snack? Utena: {Hey now...} Anthy: I'll be right back. *pitter patter* Chu-Chu: (My mistress is cooking?) Chu-Chu: (This is a disaster, chu...) 156 *peek* Anthy: (singing) Curry, curry... Anthy: (singing) Curry with a bit of everything... Anthy: (singing) Vegetables, vegetables... *SPLASH SPLASH* Anthy: (singing) Seasoning, seasoning... [Box: Miso] [Box: Nattou Seasoning] [Can: Cocoa] [Can: Seven-Flavor Red Peppers] [Translator's Note: The kanji used to write "Seven-Flavor" can be pronounced "Nanami."] [Can: Cheese] *glurp glurp* [Bottle: Mayonnaise] 157 *sip* *GULP* Anthy: Yum! Anthy: All right! *gurble gurble* *dab* *lick* 158 *dribble* *GAAAAAG* Chu-Chu: (It's so awful I could spew, chu!) 159 Chu-Chu: (What should I do, chu....) Chu-Chu: *patter patter pat* Chu-Chu: (Utena-sama can't eat THAT, chu!) Anthy: Utena-sama? It's ready! Chu-Chu: CHUU! *BONK* [Jar: Hundredfold Delicious Fire-Breath * Violently Spicy Hundredfold Curry] 160 Chu-Chu: (I'll disguise it with spiciness, chu.) *sprinkle sprinkle* Chu-Chu: (Just a little more, chu.) *PLOP* Chu-Chu: ('s empty...) Chu-Chu: (...chu...) 161 *BURBLE BURBLE* Chu-Chu: (What should I do, chu!) Anthy: Wow! It smells good! Chu-Chu: CHUU! *pitter patter* Anthy: Chu-Chu? Utena: Let's dig in! Utena: I'm starving! Anthy: I'm sorry that I made you wait... *pssh pssh* Utena: Wow! You really did it! Looks delicious! 162 Utena & Anthy: Well, itadakimasu! [sign: East Dorm] *KABLAM* 163 *WEEOOWEEOO* Student 1: What was that!? What was that!? Student 2: Did the East Dorm explode? Student 3: What about the residents, Tenjou Utena and Himemiya Anthy? Touga: Both the Rose Bride and the one engaged were bombed? Touga: Dammit! This is the Rose Seal's greatest crisis! What on earth was the cause? Who? And why? Jury: Touga... Miki: Um...Mr. President... 164 Miki: They're both safe and out of the hospital. Touga: Oh...really? What a relief. Jury: Uh-huh. Miki: But the two of them...seem a little strange. Touga: Strange? Miki: must have been my imagination. Surely... Well, maybe... Wakaba: U-TE-NA! Are you all right? *GLOM* Wakaba: Thank god! My Utena is safe, and... 165 *FLUMP* Wakaba: U-Utena? Wakaba: {You seem a little different than usual...} Saionji: Anthy. Saionji: Thank GOD! I was SO worried! Chu-Chu: Chuu! *GLOMP* Anthy: What the HELL are you doing? *SLAP* 166 *GASP* Girls: Anthy...slapped OUR Saionji... Anthy: 'Kay. Let's go home. Wakaba: {ack!} Utena: I'm so sorry. Saionji: ...Anthy? Wakaba: ...U-Utena? *FWOOOOOO* Chu-Chu: (Something's different, chu...) 167 *SLAP* Chu-Chu: ! Girl 1: You're not so high and mighty that you can strike Saionji-sama, Himemiya Anthy. Girl 1: You always stick to Tenjou Utena like shit to a goldfish. Chu-Chu: (My mistress is in trouble!) 168 *SMACK* Utena: Chu-Chu, what is it? Chu-Chu: (Save her!) Chu-Chu: CHUU! Chu-Chu: (Save her!) Chu-Chu: CHUU! Chu-Chu: (Save her, chu, Utena-sama!) Chu-Chu: CHU! Utena: It's all right. Utena: Because I'm Anthy. Utena: And Anthy is Utena-sama. Chu-Chu: (Huh?) 169 Chu-Chu: (What does she mean?) *GISH* Girl 1: ! Girl 2: You have some nerve to fight back! That's not like you, Himemiya Anthy. Anthy: I see. Anthy: So Anthy always has to face the hateful eyes of creeps like you? Anthy: Poor girl. 170 Anthy: Sorry. Anthy: But from Anthy, who you always pick on, and from Utena, here's a double dose...right back at you! *SLAP-THWACK* 171 Utena: Anthy! Utena: That was so cool! Girl 1: Eh? Utena: Huh? Girl 3: U-Utena! Girl 1: It's Utena! *EEEEK!* Girl 2: She's even scarier! Girl 3: Run for your life! 172 Chu-Chu: ( Utena: Forgive me, Utena-sama. It looks like they were trying to get even with me. I wasn't much help. Utena: Same here. I selfishly got violent in your body. Sorry, Anthy. I'll be more careful next time. Chu-Chu: (In other words, my mistresses have been...) Anthy: Chu-Chu, the two of us-- Utena: due to that explosion-- Anthy: seem to have switched personalities. 173 Chu-Chu: (Anthy is Utena?) Chu-Chu: Ooohooh... Chu-Chu: (And Utena is Anthy?) Anthy: How'd this happen? Utena: Nothing comes to mind... It seems like it's been a long time since I've seen myself act so cool. Utena: {Or since I've been glomped by Saionji...} Anthy: I'm stumped. Anthy: Unless the cause was... Anthy: THE CURRY! Anthy: Anthy, do everything exactly like the last time! Utena: Right! Chu-Chu: (Because of that explosion...) Chu-Chu: (Because of that curry...) Chu-Chu: (Because of what I put in...) 174 Chu-Chu: (I've made up my mind, chu.) Chu-Chu: (I'll cause another explosion with the curry. Chu-Chu will return them to normal, chu!) *VISH* Chu-Chu: Chu. Clerk: Welcome! Clerk: On another errand, huh? Clerk: What can I help you with today? Clerk: Huh? Oh! *boing boing* Clerk: You want that Hundredfold Curry? Clerk: I just sold it. *CRACK* 175 Clerk: Sorry, but because it's so rare, it takes half-a-year to restock. Chu-Chu: (...half...a...year...) Clerk: You know, I just sold the last one not too long ago... Hey, little monkey? *BA-BUM* Chu-Chu: CHUU! Saionji: MONKEY! *gwish* Saionji: You want the curry powder that I bought that badly? Chu-Chu: (Saionji...) 176 Chu-Chu: (Dammit, chu...) Saionji: You want it? Do you? Do you? *poof* *squish* Saionji: If you hear my demands, I'll let you have it. Deal? Chu-Chu: ...... Saionji: Ah, well met, Anthy! 177 Saionji: Because of Tenjou Utena, we have been seperated. But today marks the weekly confirmation of our love. Anthy: Eh? L-love? Chu-Chu: (Please be patient, chu, Utena-sama!) Anthy: [whispering] You never mentioned this, Chu-Chu. Anthy: Whatever... Anthy: do you mean? Saionji: I will show my love to, Anthy... Anthy: ! Saionji: Show me your love as well... 178 Saionji: ANTHY! *GLOMP* Anthy: Ack! Now hold on... *smack* Anthy: Chu-Chu! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to hit you! Chu-Chu: chu... Chu-Chu: (It's okay...chu. I'll sacrifice myself to win.) Saionji: {heh} Saionji: ...... You've been so strong-willed lately...I like it. 179 Saionji: My love is forever. Saionji: I'll continue to wait for yours. Saionji: The time will come when I'll keep my promise, monkey. Chu-Chu: ...... [Diary: Saionji Kyouichi / Love Forever / Himemiya Anthy] Anthy: The two of you keep... Anthy: a Love Exchange Diary? 180 Anthy: Are you going... Anthy: to keep doing this, Anthy? Utena: Of course. Because Saionji-sempai says, no matter what. Anthy: Okay. So you do it. Utena: But Utena-sama is Anthy, isn't she? Anthy: What? I'm not writing to that perverted freak! *twap* Chu-Chu: Chu. Anthy:'re gonna write it? *nod nod* 181 Anthy: Thank god! Since we've been doing nothing but eat curry every day, we're kind of zonked, to tell the truth. Anthy: {Sorry!} Anthy: But no explosions yet. Chu-Chu: (I'm sorry, both of you.) Chu-Chu: Boo-hoo-chu... Chu-Chu: (Chu-Chu will return you to your old bodies for sure!) *scribble scribble* Chu-Chu: Even though I just LOOK like Anthy... Saionji: Hmph. It seems as though I've received a proper reply. Saionji: Here. Take your reward. 182 Chu-Chu: (The Hundredfold Spice!) Chu-Chu: Ahh, chu... *snuggle snuggle* Chu-Chu: I did it, chu! *zoom* Saionji: Monkey...huh, he already left. *Suddenly Vanished* Saionji: Was he that happy about it? Saionji: ...... What is this...? 183 Saionji: That MONKEY... [Diary: To my -deer- dear Saionchi-chama. Sorry for the -lait- late reeply, chu. Today Anthy will list her favorite things. Bananas and Cake and Potatoes aaand Apples and] [Picture Caption: Anthy XXX] [Word Balloons: Chu Chu Chu] Saionji: ...wrote THIS!? *More Curry Today* Anthy: Itadakimasu... Utena: -masu... *SLAM* Anthy: Chu-Chu. Utena: So it is... 184 Utena: Chu-Chu, what are you doing? *shake* *shake shake* *shake shake* Anthy: Cut it out! What's gotten into you? Saionji: Monkey!! You tricked me! Saionji: Hand over my curry, I say! Saionji: This is divine punishment! *TA TA TA TA* Utena: Saionji-sempai... *cough cough* Anthy: He's after the Hundredfold Curry Powder? Chu-chu, why? 185 Saionji: Monkey...! Chu-Chu: CHUU! *CRASH* *KABOOM* 186 Student 1: This is terrible... Student 2: The East Dorm exploded again... Chu-Chu: Chu? *twitch* Anthy: Ah... Utena: Ugh... 187 Utena: Dammit, I hurt all over. Anthy: Utena...sama? Anthy: That explosion just turned us back to normal, Utena-sama! Utena: Yeah... *bounce bounce* Utena: Wahoo! But...then the cause must have been... Utena: Chu-Chu! *EEP* Utena: It was you, wasn't it! Your curry powder caused that first explosion! Anthy: Chu-Chu! You've been a very bad boy! 188 Chu-Chu: Chu! Chu-Chu: Chu! Chu-Chu: Chu! Chu-Chu: Chu! Chu-Chu: Chu! Chu-Chu: Chu! Anthy: Chu-Chu! Utena: Don't try to fool us! Chu-Chu: Chuu! Chuu! 189 Touga: Saionji, are the two of them all aright? Saionji: (Yeah yeah yeah....) Saionji: (Because of another explosion...) Saionji: (Personalities have been switched...) Saionji: (This is the body of that hated Saionji, but...) Saionji: (My mistresses are kind of Saionji: (I'll get out of here, chu!) Saionji: Chu! *END* Appeared in 1996 Ciao Deluxe Winter Special Edition